Lionheart Camp for Kids is here to help children and teens navigate their grief journey following the death of a loved one. We want children, teens, families, schools and the community to understand grief as a natural, healthy and normal response to loss.
Our grief support programs are designed to educate children, teens, adults as a whole family, about grief and loss, ensuring that the whole family unit is strengthened and empowered on their grief journey. We provide a safe, fun-filled space for children and teens to explore and understand their grief and recognise that while grief is one part of their life, it doesn’t need to define them. Our programs also offer opportunities for parents and grandparents to learn about childhood grief and how to manage their own grief while supporting their child/ren.
Lionheart is a unique and special opportunity to connect with a compassionate community of others who understand what it is like to experience the death of a parent or sibling.
There are two primary ways to enter our Lionheart programs.
If your loved one has died within the past 6 months, our Raw to Roar: Lionheart Grief Pathway is for you.
If your loved one died more than 6 months ago, check out our New Families Camp.
Grief Support Programs
We want all families to be able to access the bereavement support they need without the barrier of fees. This means that our programs are currently free to attend and are funded by grants and community donations. If you are in a position to make a donation, you will be helping us to offer more grieving children the expert support they need.
More information
If you want some further information or are unsure about the best program for you or someone you know, please get in touch so we can understand more about your circumstances and help you access the support you need.